Eno Board vs. Smart Board

Mrs.Freeman wanted an Eno Board in our classroom for Christmas. The Eno Board is like a SmartBoard only better. The eno board is a white board so we can use whiteboard markers on the board. Mrs.Freeman loves the  new Eno Board. She uses it every day and it is really cool how she uses it. With the special pen that we use, we can write or we can drop down a key board. The pen is called a stylus. Mrs.Freeman had an Eno Board in her old first grade class. The projector is not in the way, like it was for the SmartBoard, and it’s hanging off the wall. There are speakers on the projector, too. The Eno Board is magnetic so we have a magnetic thing that controls the stylus so we just press what we want and it will happen on the board. What I like most about the Eno Board is . . . well . . . I can’t pick! It is really cool!
