Rules for Commenting on Our Blog

Dear Reader,

We thank you for visiting our blog and look forward to reading your comments. Please keep in mind that this blog is meant to be a work in progress. You may see some mistakes in students’ blog posts and comments. It is our hope you will visit often so you can see our progress as we improve our writing and technology skills.

Please follow these rules when commenting on blog posts:

  1.  Begin your comment with a greeting.
  2.  Use first names only.
  3.  Avoid comments, such as “Great job,” “Way to go,” or “I really liked what you wrote.”
  4.  Commenting is about continuing a conversation started in a blog post.
    •  Ask questions about the topic. Offer suggestions to improve writing.
    •  Share your thoughts, ideas, experiences or resources about the blog post.
  5. Ask yourself if your comment CONTRIBUTED to the conversation or to the learning of the author or other readers.
  6.  Use appropriate capitals, organization, punctuation, and spelling.
  7.  End your comment with a closing and your first name (no last names please).

We are looking forward to connecting with you!


Team Freeman 2015-2016

3 thoughts on “Rules for Commenting on Our Blog

  1. Dear Team Freeman,
    Thank you for allowing me to visit your ELA class today! I enjoyed your discussion about main ideas and examples and non-examples. You welcomed me into your Reader Notebook entries about a special person in your life. You taught me about your blogging from the way you develop your blog posts to how you work with Mrs. Freeman to edit them, to how you use google classroom to upload your work. Thank you for sharing your learning with me!
    Mrs. Holcomb

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